Last week we started session 2 of summer kickball. A new team, about half the old one, this time around. We lost our first game 10 – 4. But last night we WON! 5 – 3 and we fought for every run and every out.The most exciting part of the game – when I got hit in the face. You are out if the ball hits you. It’s allowed, but not above the shoulders. I asked if I could get some water before continuing to run. The ref looked at me like I had two heads. “WHAT, I’M OUT! NO WAY!” We then had the discussion of did the ball hit directly on my face or bounce off my arm. It hit my fave, I felt it. It hurt. I didn’t cry. I felt proud of myself.
The most suspenseful part of the game was the last play. Bottom of the 7th (we play 7 innings) we were in the field leading 5 – 3. THE BASES ARE LOADED! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN. Two outs. And their power kicker is up. OMG! The kick was high and long. Lucky for us we have a couple of awesome outfielders, one of whom caught the kick. And we won.
Kickball is exciting and awesome and great exercise.
Afterward we tried our skills at Flip Cup. It turns out we are pretty good.