We bought a new camera a few of weeks ago. It’s fancy and has two lenses. And takes HD video. We’ve been talking about it and researching for about a year, and decided now is the time. I’m learning to use it. I’m really looking forward to a day when I can take it outside. I’ve been using the new camera instead of the old one for blog pictures, which is going to be fantastic. Once I can figure out how to get the pictures off of the camera and on to the computer. I think I finally have the right software installed. And I’ve been looking for the cord, which Rob has put away somewhere safe that is not the camera bag. There are a LOT of cords on his computer. But then I realized that even if I could find the cord, I don’t have the foggiest where to connect it to the camera. I think I need another lesson. Until then, words only.
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