around here: week 3

Jan 14-19

Writing…my dissertation. This one will be ongoing for awhile still but I found a renewed motivation to dive deep.

Resting…and remembering to practice self care. It’s so easy to go go go. We took a family nap on Sunday.

Finishing…my new year’s purge and organize. For the first time in a long time there is (almost) a place for everything. I have a bit more to go. But it feels nice.

Excited…that Simon started after school. Someone else to help him with homework. And some good running around time in the winter when that can be hard to find.

Laughing…at Kindergarten Arts for Recess. To keep the kids active the PTA has dancers come in 3 days a week to get the Kinder kids moving. A parent volunteer helps with the chaos and there may be some parent dancing. I’m still not used to being known as “Simon’s mom”. I wish I could show that video, but…other people’s kids.Downloading…Stylebook. It was a good distraction for a couple of commutes. We’ll see if I keep it up. But I like the concept.Playing…with the filters on MSQRD. Think Snapchat but it stays on your phone. I think – I don’t Snapchat, so I could be making that up.

Reading…Smart But Scattered. I’ve had this one for awhile, but my library renewal was up, so motivation to finish. Really interesting book on executive function skills. It goes through the different skills and what kinds of tasks children can be expected to complete at different ages. But the most interesting part was about how we all have strengths and weaknesses and how when parents have different strengths and weaknesses from their children, there can be conflict. So a good book to take different view on some of our most common conflicts.

Waiting…to hear something more about the job.

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