It’s been a tough winter. Professionally, for the first time in years I’ve been able to focus the majority of my time on my dissertation, only to find it isn’t viable. Better now than a month from now, but I’m still working through it. A new project is still to Continue Reading
Two kids, one room
It works, here’s how our kids share an 8 x 9 room. This tiny room has been quite the multi-tasking space. When we first moved in this room was storage, then an office. Then Rob’s brother lived with us for a year and it was his room. Then it was Continue Reading
#MicroblogMondays – PhD life
If you didn’t know I’m in my sixth year of Doctorate program in Psychology. I’ve been working on my dissertation proposal for a project in which I’ve collected a lot of data. This is pretty normal in my program, to have data before the proposal. One reason for this is Continue Reading
Video: 11 Questions
My friend Hannah tagged me for the Liebster award for bloggers with under 1,000 followers. Since she did a video I decided to do one too. It’s only taken me a month to record and export. If you watch Hannah, she is funny, I am not. Also it’s blurry because Continue Reading
Caleb: 12 months
Birthday week was a success and we ended it with a few more presents and no more cake. The sugar was a bit much and Caleb threw it up and was up all night. However that might not have been all the cake’s fault as teeth are coming in (I Continue Reading