Month 2: February 2019

Wow. February was a busy month! First - I bough an ebook about phone photography Picture Play by Jill Krause, a blogger I've followed for years and years. I'm having

Month 1: January 2019

January flew by. Some observations.We did the new years clean out and a major reorganization. Our apartment isn't exactly clean, but I'm really focusing on keeping my workspaces clear and


Stepping back in after what was too long a break. Lots of life has happened. But we are still here, getting older, and trying to love this city our

La La Land again

Another last minute trip to LA happened this year. We’ve decided to budget for it next year just in case… Last year Rob and I had a spectacular trip that ended with a big trophy. This year we took both kids, Rob’s mom, and Rob’s Aunt Mary and Ahad, a Continue Reading