Month 2: February 2019

Wow. February was a busy month! First - I bough an ebook about phone photography Picture Play by Jill Krause, a blogger I've followed for years and years. I'm having

Month 1: January 2019

January flew by. Some observations.We did the new years clean out and a major reorganization. Our apartment isn't exactly clean, but I'm really focusing on keeping my workspaces clear and


Stepping back in after what was too long a break. Lots of life has happened. But we are still here, getting older, and trying to love this city our

Caleb’s First Party.

Keeping with my mantra of a simple party, we threw together a little shindig at the park this weekend. I’ve had this in mind since the summer – a snow party at the park – but February weather can be interesting. But last weekend when the forecast was high 30s, Continue Reading

Little Dancer

As you may or may not know my job in high school and occasionally through college was as a dance teacher. I mostly taught preschool ballet and tap and a few classes of older dancers. Last fall I saw an email for a mommy and me ballet class for 2-3 Continue Reading