I fully intended to provide Caleb with pumped breastmilk at daycare for a year like I did with Simon. But with Simon I had a huge freezer stash since he wouldn’t really take bottles for several months. I was able to stop pumping at 11 months and even donated about Continue Reading
Wordless Wednesday: Baseball
#citykidsinthehall #snowday #yesthosearegirlspants
#microblogmondays Snowy Day
Blizzard preparations were buying an extra half gallon of milk and blowing up the tube sled. Simon loved it.
Blanket Shawl
or more things you can make with a yard or so of fabric. I scored big at Old Navy the day after Christmas and bought another coat to convert to a baby-wearing coat for a friend. The coat was black and while waiting in line I saw these buffalo plaid Continue Reading
If I grow big & strong, then I can use the drill?
This is the question that has been asked approximately 1,597,486 since last January when we built the bunk beds. Every time we tell him he has to eat vegetables (or any food really) to help him grow big and strong he says “so I can use the drill?” Tools hold Continue Reading