#microblogmondays – managing expectations
I adore Christmas and the magic that comes with the holidays. Our tree is trimmed, all the decorations set up, cards are sent, and I have a list of Holiday things we like to do (e.g., ice skating, visiting Macy’s to see Santa, Rockefeller Center). Simon is old enough this Continue Reading
#microblogmondays – ice skating
Last night we went to Manhattan. While we were getting bundled in to outerwear Rob asked me how much we were going to regret this (post light dinner and they did nap, but still an evening trip). I said probably a lot. But that’s how memories are made. We went Continue Reading
#microblogmondays – rite of passage
We never through it would be Caleb who gave us this one. I always assumed Simon would fall or jump off of something a little to high. I’ve been saying for almost 2 years it’s a matter of “when not if” we head to the Emergency Room. But I really Continue Reading
Caleb – months 8 & 9
Wow! nine months. On the outside longer than inside, which is truly spectacular to me. This month brought one major change which is mobility! The last monthly update was September 16 and on September 18 we went to the Child Lab for Caleb’s first day in the movement study which Continue Reading